EMEA 5065: The neuroscience of leading high-performance teams


  • Finances and work
  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Recreation
  • Moral, ethical, and spiritual


  • Stimulates motivation centers in the brain (more one has, ++ rewards one seeks)
  • E.g. sharing accumulated wealth with others often leads to greater emotional satisfaction
  • Brain evolved to anticipate extreme scarcity, we need to actively retrain to anticipate abundance

Two forms of desire

  1. Unconscious drive to survive (bottom-up)
  2. Conscious wanting by optimistic fantasies about the future (top-down) “wishful seeing” <- what we want to tap into in teams. “Breadcrumb” model for long-term driving of goals.

Dopamine control circuit

  • Manage uncontrolled urges of dopamine desire
  • Guides “raw energy” towards profitable ends
  • Abstract concepts and forward-looking strategies
  • Imagination
  • Control of world

Desire circuit vs control circuit

  • Phantoms: things we wish to have

  • Phantoms: building blocks of imagination, creative thought

  • Motivation and persistence

    • Cost-benefit tradeoffs
    • Celebrating small wins
  • "I don't care anymore; I need to stop for good and call it a day" vs "I'm going to take a short break and regroup by focusing on why achieving this goal matters to me and keep going”


Dopaminergic circuitry responds not to reward or pleasure, but to reward prediction error

  • Keeping expectations low can maximize the delta between actual and expected rewards
  • Think about this w.r.t. goal setting, and how to discretize tasks
  • Anticipation, reward prediciton error, novelty, and curiosity drive motivation
  • Pain and fear diminish motivation, but drive growth and learning (push through to harder goals)

Barriers to motivation

  • Physical pain
  • Unpleasant emotional experiences
  • Ruminating on unpleasant thoughts

Time boxing is a technique to properly process negative experiences (small mourning) - even 90 seconds.

Distant goals and desires (future oriented)

"Time to hunt vs time to eat"

  • Switch transition from forward-oriented dopamine (wanting) to present-oriented (H&N) dopamine.

  • Pursue hard, long-term goals

  • Dopaminergic personality

    • Bored easily
    • Enjoys anticipation and planning more than doing
    • Easily distracted
    • Loves thrill of chase > prize
  • Dopamine fasting (trendy take on asceticism) has some validity but shouldn't be taken to extremes. Fasting, of any kind, can be addictive.

  • Ocytocin

    • Associated initially with sex & breastfeeding
    • Synthesized by the brain when needed, short half-life (~ 3 minutes)
    • Ocytocin in analogy to dopamine is not a "trust hormone", but rather anticipation of trustworthiness.

What is engagement?

Activates the prefrontal cortex, provides a sense of empowerment and motivation, activates areas of the brain involved in reflection and introspection, driving fulfillment and satisfaction.

  • Engagement must utilize the social interfaces wired into the brain
    • Reward systems
    • Trust systems
      • Sense of autonomy and control over one's work, decision-making
      • Sense of meaning and purpose; serving a larger mission

Social brain and compassion

  • Insula (sensorimotor processing, sense of self) and anterior cingulate cortex (threat-processing, pain or suffering)
    • Helps connect the goal-seeking desires of the prefrontal-cortex with the interroceptive centers (amygdala, limbic areas)
    • Drives our ability to feel compassion and guilt

SCARF model

  • Status
  • Certainty
  • Autonomy
  • Relatedness (ingroup/outgroup)
  • Fairness

General ideas

  • Be mindful of instance labels
  • Find and work with "chemistry creators"